"Welcome to Ahonui Healing Power Adventures, where customized journeys focus on awakening your heart by way of the Mana (energy) and Aloha (spirit) of Hawaii right here on this magical, beautiful island paradise, Kauai.
How our custom program works:
Each journey planned is based on the dynamics of the individual, couple or group of individuals involved in the retreat. Whether coming to take part in an already planned retreat/workshop event, or simply coming here for rejuvenation, empowerment, adventure, healing, and, or to tie the knot, Ahonui Healing Power Adventures is your one-stop journey center here to help you maximize your time and efforts into making a journey investment in you, an investment that will give you a lifetime of returns.
World-class Adventure Guides, Athletes, Coaches, Healers, Practitioners, Martial Artists, Teachers, Trainers and Wedding Event Professionals have been hand selected to be part of our team. Everyone here is passionate about what they do. We speak from our heart and appreciate communicating with you and your higher self the same way. We enjoy building a retreat, journey or workshop geared to your own desires, wants and needs. Of course you are also encouraged to choose from our ‘a-la-cart’ selections to build your journey and mold it as you see fit.
Remember, our goal here is to help you to awaken your heart, to help you get in touch with you, your higher self, and your inner wisdom. We are not the experts to your happiness, you are. We are here to help you get on or stay on the path that brings you closest to your higher calling, with focus being placed on connecting your mind, with your body, and your internal spirit, spirituality.
Sex, race, religion, age or political views do not play a role in this journey. Only you are part of this equation; our mind, your body, your belief systems (not that of society).
There are a number of ways in which you can learn to awaken your own heart, your calling.
Guests may choose from a varied menu of ‘a-la-cart’ choices within, but not limited to:
Adventures in Camping, Deep Sea Fishing, Fly Fishing, Hiking, Kayaking, Martial Arts, Meditation, Stand-Up Paddle-boarding (SUP), Surfing, Snorkeling, Wake-boarding.
Alternative Healing Therapies in Activation, Acupuncture, Akashic Readings, Angel Readings, Body Painting, Channeling, Chinese Medical Massage, Clairvoyant Readings, Conscious Conception Methods, Couples Counseling, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Crystal Healing, Cupping & Gua Sha, Divine Intuitive Work, Dyad Therapies, Energetic Clearing and Balancing, Grounding, Herbal Therapies, Hypnotherapy, Inner Child Work, Lemurian Journeys, Lomi Lomi, Massage, Past Life Regression, Physical Expression, Pleiadian Energy Work, Rosen Method, Soul Awakening and Retrieval, Sound Healing, Spiritual Journey Ceremony, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Transmissions, Tribal Body Clay Painting and Zheng Gu Tui Na Massage.
Classes and Coaching or Training in Chanting, Chinese 5-Elemental Theory, Ba Gua Zhang, Breathing Exercises, Conscious Conception, Birthing, Ecstatic Dancing, Fire Dancing, Hawaiian Language, Hula, Jiu Jitsu, Journaling, Lei Making, Meditations, Qi Gong, Sound Healing, Tahitian Dancing, Tahitian Drumming, Ukulele, Writing Biographical Memoirs, Yoga.
Martial Arts
Using the ancient “internal martial art” systems of Ba Gua Zhang and Xsing I Chuan, learn how to move correctly through stand-alone postures and movement, utilizing your breath in conjunction with your mind and posture and stepping. Focus is placed on teaching your upper and lower body to move in unison with central power and harmony while improving overall health and teaching self-defense skills. These art forms can be a lifelong learning system in which a person can build upon regardless of their degree of martial ability.
There are many forms of meditation however; Qi Gong is considered a powerful form of healing meditation as it is used to assist with healing and to promote longevity. Qi gong, introduced in China over 5,000 years ago, is considered a meditation that focuses on breath connection with energy and is used to break blockages in organs, promote overall circulation, tone and boost organs, open one’s ability to clear channels and ‘see’ more clearly through their “yin tang” (third eye), and, or, connect a person’s root between heaven and earth. Qi Gong is also used as a method to healing injuries and traumas as well.
Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine, in existence for thousands of years, focuses on the prevention of disease - on the necessity of maintaining a balance between the body, organs and the emotional well-being of the mind. Where there is a balance between the mind, body and spirit, disease will not manifest; conversely, when there is a blockage of any sort, physical, structural and or emotional, disease will prevail. Five element Chinese medicinal theories explain the overall relationship between the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and how they relate to the overall functioning of our Yin Organs: Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys. Five Elemental theories teach the basics in learning how to successfully maintain a balance between current physical lifestyles within our emotional, mental and spiritual lives.
Acupuncture, practiced for over 5,000 years is a safe and effective healing method used to help support an individual’s overall health. Acupuncture is used to open the many channels and pathways within a person’s body so that overall Qi (energy) flows properly thereby allowing for proper circulation and nourishment. It can be used to help boost a person’s immune and organ function while calming the mind and reducing or eliminating the root cause of pain. When used appropriately, Acupuncture is used to prevent disease through the process of tongue and pulse diagnosis.
With today’s focus on increasing one’s overall vibrational level, energy frequency, Acupuncture is one of many ways in which a person can help achieve this goal. It is quite a simple process as acupuncture opens channels, thereby reducing blockages and calming the mind. This allows for one’s consciousness to be raised, allowing for your higher self and spiritual team to come forth. Once a person is in a higher frequency, guidance can be more easily accepted into one’s life.
Chinese Herbal Therapies
Herbal therapies are an effective way in supporting a person’s overall health. When used appropriately, Chinese medicinal herbs consisting of twigs, roots, flowers, leaves, stems, crystals and shells or other herbs may be decocted as an herbal tea formula to be taken for a period of time to address the individual’s symptoms, pain, root cause of situation or simply to help open channels and unblock pathways while calming the mind. Chinese herbal therapies help to support the overall functioning of a person’s organs, so, once, that has been achieved, then a new formula may be given or there may be no additional need for taking a new tea as proper balance is achieved within the person’s body. Herbal therapies can be taken internally, applied as a poultice for a sprain, bruise or fracture, and may be taken by way of a decocted tea, in pill form, or powdered / tinctured form as well. Chinese herbal therapies are effective in dealing with many various conditions dealing with but not limited to injuries, traumas, fertility, emotional well-being, digestive and respiratory functions as well as sleep, and, or diseases.
Chinese Medical Massage – Zheng Gu Tui Na
Zheng means to correct. Gu means the bone. Tui and Na mean to push and grasp. Zheng Gu Tui Na, an extremely effective medical massage system founded by Tom Bisio and Frank Butler, combines the typical Chinese Medical Massage of Tui Na “pushing and grasping” to the old art form of bone setting, making it a very effective system used in treating orthopedic conditions, structural misalignment, sports injuries and internal (visceral) diseases as well.
Zheng Gu may be used to focus on restoring one’s proper body alignment by way of looking at the muscles, tendons, ligaments and their connections with the skeleton and viscera of the body. It is extremely effective as it is combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbs, Martial Arts, Diet and Qi Gong in order to give the greatest medical healing necessary.
Cupping is used to promote circulation while removing stagnation and releasing tight muscle tissue. Once applied to a large muscle area, like the back, skin is lifted so that fascia may release in a therapeutic manner. After the cups are applied, it may be used diagnostically to determine if there is qi or blood stagnation or cold lodged in the channels. Cupping may be applied three ways: sliding, flash-cupping or stagnating cupping. There may be some bruising after the cupping session which normally only lasts between 3-7 days. Most people report an immediate improvement after receiving this type of treatment.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha means to Gua (scrape/rub) Sha (blood stasis). This modality allows one to focus on promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and reducing pain. It's also used to assist with colds and bronchial ailments.
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Hula is a sacred Hawaiian dance which incorporates Oli (chant) or Mele (song). It is developed by the Polynesians who settled in the Hawaiian Island. The hula dramatizes or portrays the words of the oli or mele in visual dance form. Hula dancing is a complex art form as there are many hand motions used to represent the swaying of a tree in the breeze or wave in the ocean, or a feeling or emotion creating the dance and its story.
Lei Making
Lei, Hawaiian word for garland or wreath, are a series of objects strung together with the intent to be worn. Typically the Hawaiian Lei is formed with the most beautiful flowers grown on the island and used to drape around the neck to someone who is arriving or leaving and is a symbol of affection, love, and or royalty.
Hawaiian Language
If wanting a deeper understanding of the Polynesian culture, Hawaiian language is a true source. This multi-faceted language was created by the Polynesians that settled on the Hawaiian Islands long ago.
Fire/Poi Dancing
Fire Dancing or also known as fire twirling, fire spinning, or fire performance and fire manipulation. It’s considered as a performance art with the manipulation of objects on fire. Fire dancing has been a traditional part of cultures from around the world, and modern fire performance often includes visual and stylistic elements from many traditions and ceremonies.
Tahitian Dancing
Tahitian dancing is a traditional dance from Tahiti. The dancers stand in several rows executing different figures. The dance is easily recognizable by its fast hip-shaking and grass skirts, many confuse this with Hula.
Tahitian Drumming
Tahitian Drumming is the music that accompanies Tahitian Dancing and is also from Tahiti. The drumming is what dictates the level of energy and stamina the dancers must demonstrate; by this they use 4 different types of drums, beginning with To’ere, hard wooden drums ranging from 2-6 feet long with a hollowed slit, to the Fa’atete snare drum, Pahu Arata’I bass drum which leads the beat, and last but not least Pahu Tupa’e the basic hand drum.
While staying on Kauai, participants are encouraged to choose from a variety of outdoor activities. Engaging in outdoor adventures can be an enjoyable and fun way to connect one’s self to nature. All can be booked through Ahonui Healing, or on your own.
Some activities include: Backpacking, Biking, Coastal Hiking, Deep Sea Fishing, Fly fishing, Hawaiian Catamaran Sailing, Hiking, Jet Ski Surfing, Kayaking, Sacred Sites Tour, Snorkeling, Stand Up Paddle boarding, Stream and River Hiking, Surfing, Walking, Waterfall Hiking, and Whale Watching. Additional activities are also available.
Below is a more detailed description of some of our Exclusive Adventure Journeys:
This guided adventurous hike is recommended only for those who thrive on adrenaline! Take part in hiking to one of the most beautiful forests in the world, passing through lush swamp lands, switchbacks, as well as high and low valleys. Your destination is a mesmerizing platform overlook, 4,000 feet above the North Shore of Kauai. Camera, hiking attire and hiking boots or cross training shoes are required. Backpacks, water and energy bars can be provided.
This guided adventurous tour is perfect for those interested in hiking diverse terrain that includes trekking to the top of a cliff overlooking the coast, to walking in virgin sandy dune trails, and travelling past sacred heiaus and caves. Enjoy ever changing coastal sites of Kauai, including some of the most picturesque views of the “garden island.” A camera is a must! Discover locations where movies such as “Six Days, Seven Nights” and “Jurassic Park” were filmed. Take part in an archeological site hosting Hawaiian petroglyphs and artifacts from ancient Hawaiian times. Learn the history of the coastline as you take a swim on a secluded beach. Hiking packs, water and energy bars can be provided.
Stream and River Hiking
Trail and stream hiking are more challenging hikes that require special "water shoes” with felt bottoms to prevent slipping on the river rocks. Through this type of hike, lush, tropical forest with heavy, thick hao bush, jungle vines and plants, hidden sacred springs, beautiful majestic water falls, swimming holes, and natural elements are viewed and experienced.
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Kayaking / Hiking Combo Adventure ½ day or Full Day
Enjoy a leisurely kayak tour up a big, winding river where you will disembark from your kayak and enjoy a scenic hike in a lush tropical forest, up a stream and through a mountain, to a secluded, sacred water fall. It is required for you to wear a bathing suit so you may swim in the refreshing pool beneath the falls and bask in the sun on a nearby rock, enjoying a lunch or snack.
An expert guided snorkeling tour great for the whole family, fit for all levels of snorkelers. This adventure takes you to one of the many, pristine snorkeling spots found only on Kauai. Be prepared to be mesmerized as you touch and feel the many sea critters in the water, feed the fish, and best of all, learn how to find and swim with the Honu (turtles). Easy entry and exit into the water. Snorkel gear, fish food, cold drinks and snacks included.
(Underwater photographer available for an additional cost.)
This Surf excursion, guided by one of Kauai’s Pro-surfers is ideal for the intermediate to expert surfer. Enjoy a scenic drive in search of the best surfing spots on Kauai, some of which are only accessible by crossing 4 x 4 terrains. Experience the privilege of surfing secluded waters while learning all about the break from your Kauai pro. Cold drinks and snacks provided.
(A photographer can be provided at an additional cost. Surf Board rental available.)
The surf excursion is the same as the half day but with two surf sessions. You may be relocated to possibly different spots depending on coast/surf conditions. Bring your sunscreen! There are surf board rentals available. Cold drinks and lunch are provided.
For intermediate to advance surfers, take a guided Jet Ski Surf adventure with a Kauai professional surfer. Pick up at the your b&b, cottage or hotel, with jet ski in tow. Drive out to the local boat harbor, load all gear and surfboards on to the jet ski and it’s off to search for waves only accessible by jet ski or boat. At your destination, surf and enjoy, un-crowded waves, all while learning the break from your Kauai pro. A photographer can be provided at an additional cost. Cold drinks and snacks provided.
Same surf excursion as the half day, but with two surf sessions, possibly at different sports depending on the conditions. Bring your sunscreen!!!
A beach get-a-way, where you can relax and un-wind at one of Kauai’s most beautiful beaches, only accessible by four wheel drive. Enjoy the beach to yourself, lay in the sun, hunt for shells, swim, snorkel or just sit in a beach chair and read a book. Cold drinks, snacks and all beach gear provided. Pick up at b&b, cottage or hotel.
Same beach excursion as the half day, but all day. Cold drinks, snacks, lunch and all beach gear provided.
This is the ultimate in Kauai experiences!!! Afternoon pick up from b&b, cottage, or hotel in an air conditioned, all terrain, four wheel drive truck. Head out to one of Kauai’s most beautiful beaches only accessible by four wheel drive. Arrive at the beach and enjoy swimming, hunting for shells or just relaxing with an ice cold drink in the sand. Then it’s a local-style barbecue feast on the beach, while watching the sunset dip down in the ocean. Look for the “green flash” and have your camera ready! Beach gear, food, drinks all provided.
Sacred Sites Tour – ½ Day
In the Sacred Sites Tour, you will learn the ancient history of the island and the sacred aspects of the Hawaiian culture. Your tour will include a visit to three sacred Heiaus: Hikina Akala, Holoholoku which also includes Pohakupiki (royal birthing stone), and Poliahu Heiau. In addition to touring the sacred sites you will be going to Opaeka’s Falls/Wailua river and to the Hindu Temple/Sacred Forest. You will be asked to pack a light lunch which your guide will keep for you in a cooler, and you will picnic next to a mountain stream that flows from the island’s sacred mountain, Wai’ale’ale. To top off the day, your guide will offer (included in tour package) professional CaCao Mousse that is made from the Island’s CaCao trees.
Sacred Sites Tour – Full Day
This tour is the same as half day tour with it being up to an 8 hour journey along with the meeting of a Hawaiian Kahuna (a Hawaiian Shamanistic Healer).
Hawaiian Catamaran / Canoe Cruise
Enjoy a two hour sail upon a local, Hawaiian hand-made catamaran, disembarking from the beautiful picturesque waters of Hanalei Bay. Morning cruise includes snorkeling while late day cruise is done as part of a sunset tour where you may bring champagne to toast the beauty bestowed before your eyes by the ever changing skies.
(NOTES: All adventures have minimums and maximum capacity. Half days are 3-5hrs. Full days are 6 - 8 hrs. All activities are exclusive and private. )
The body is a natural canvas for painting a message to assist one in accepting their own physical being as a temple for their higher calling. In both body painting and clay painting ceremony, one is brought in tune with their inner being as messages by way of markings, pictures or symbols are painted to the body.
Body Painting Transformation Journey
Body Painting Transformation Journey is done on a one-on-one session in which the intuitive healer paints the individual’s body through insight from mantra and meditation. This journey can be done indoors in a temple like environment or outdoors, on Kauai’s sacred land.
Tribal Body Clay Painting Ceremony
Tribal Body Clay Painting Ceremony is offered as a form of acceptance, expression, empowerment and healing. Body Painting is a creative expression that has been used in numerous cultures for many decades. Considered a sacred ceremony performed by indigenous tribes for rites of passage, coming of age and special occasions, this lost art is being reintroduced to remind us of the importance of being within our bodies and accepting ourselves without judgment. This ceremony is done in a group setting with each person applying clay to their own bodies, utilizing nature’s gifts as tools and bringing forth their own creativity and transformation. The ceremony itself is done outdoors, in a secluded, safe environment.
Alternative Healing Therapies:
Treatment providers at Ahonui Healing have been extensively trained in a variety of alternative healing modalities. Participants may choose from treatments ranging from Lemurian Journeying to Spiritual Soul Clearing, to Energetic Universal Healing therapies.
Lemurian Journey
If you have ever wondered why you have been ‘pulled’ to Kauai, or have a calling or longing to be on Kauai, you may want to consider a Lemurian Journey. This journey incorporates hypnotherapy and past life regression in which a group collective is called to help you to remember your connection to the time of Lemuria. Lemuria, found during or prior to the Atlantean Civilization, is also known as (Mu) which is considered to be a place found within the Pacific Ocean, included but not limited to the Hawaiian Islands, Fiji Islands, Easter Island and part of the Los Angeles area. Lemurian people were highly evolved in meditation and used the language of energetic, sound, vibration and extra sensory perception which was thought to be accessed through their third eye, (yin tang) section of their body. Some believe that Lemurians were a culture focused on living within the land and nature harmoniously and organically, without the use of scientific technology. Those who are ‘called’ for this type of journey have found this to be a pivotal piece to their own healing which helps bring clarity and one closer to a higher vibrational consciousness . A message from Lemurian Circle:
“A Lemurian dreamer creates with the seeker a rainbow bridge for soul growth. A Lemurian Dreamer dreams the seeker’s dream, thus assisting them to manifest their dream. A Lemurian dreamer works with those who wish to know themselves at a deeper level...works only with those who desire to go within to find their true self and manifest their destiny. A Lemurian Dreamer is Ancient. The gift of the Lemurian Dreamer is the gift of you.”
Chakra Clearing, Balancing and Energizing
Prior to this session, a one-hour meditation is performed on your behalf so that messages may be shown in relation to your own chakra clearing and balancing. This type of healing is used for the purpose of energizing and personal consciousness elevation and transformation.
Spiritual Life Intuitive Reading
An in-depth psychic reading in which sacred pictures are shown to your clairvoyant practitioner as a way of being able to convey to you the love, guidance and support awaiting you in your life journey.
Medical Intuitive Reading
In this in-depth medical intuitive reading, a full scan of the body is being done to detect problem areas. Specific remedies are shown to balance the cause of the problem. In this session, a one-hour meditation is done prior to meeting. Messages, in the form of pictures are shown to your guide as a way of giving you a clear understanding of what is happening within your physical body. Through this the reading is narrowed down to the highest concerns then the best remedy is brought forth to resolve the situation.
Letters from Heaven
In this alternative healing session, your healer records words and reads to you highly spirited guidance from your heavenly team to support you on your life journey and help give you guidance. Each letter is personalized from your own spiritual family which consists of spirit guides, saints, ancestors, and, or angels and varies from person to person. Your heavenly family is waiting to support you on your journey and help assist you in accomplishing what you are here to do. Letters from heaven may be requested at different stages in one’s life and may be referred to at later dates as well.
Sound Healing Journey
Through the sounds of indigenous world instruments, whales and dolphins, or vocal chanting, you are guided on a journey of sound, movement and breath, experiencing the magic of merging into oneness with all of creation. This journey teaches you how to continue this ancient practice in your daily life to bring you into a state of daily bliss.
Sound Healing Qi Gong Meditation
Utilizing the art of Qi Gong, meditation through breath work, this session teaches one how to use sounds which are on a vibrational level that assist in revitalizing and breaking through blockages relative to the five yin organs of our Lung, Heart, Spleen, Liver and Kidneys. Used as a daily meditation practice, Qi Gong Sound Healing is used to promote longevity and vibrancy of our internal organs.
Past Life Regression
For those who believe they have had more than just their present life time experiences, past life regression focuses on bringing one on a journey which helps one to go back to their origin, root, or source which seems to be contributing to current life difficulties. Past Life Regression not only brings one back to the origin of their pattern, but, also focuses on bringing about clarity, change and or transformation of an addiction or life pattern.
This kind of therapy helps an individual to go into a deep meditative state, or altered consciousness and reality. This therapy allows one to focus on bringing past events or memories or emotions to the forefront of a person’s current consciousness in order to relieve and break free of repeated patterns, blocks or ‘holds’.
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Thought to be the deepest, most relaxing massage, cranial sacral therapy works with the rhythm of the CSF, Cerebral Spinal Fluid, found within the cranium and spinal column. Cranial energy work can be used to break up blockages, calm the spirit, address old emotional patterns, and, or address orthopedic and internal bodily conditions.
Journaling is an important component in bringing healing, focus and clarity to one’s overall spirit. Through journaling, participants begin to unclutter their mind and connect to their higher self through their writing. By connecting to their higher self, they are uniting their true spiritual being with their mind and body.
Meditation in general has been a method used for centuries, throughout the world and can be done by way of guided imagery, alone, with a partner, in a group, while sitting, standing, kneeling, laying or simply with stepping, form movement. Meditation helps connect one’s true spirit to their heart and center of knowing. It is through meditation in which a deeper understanding of self can be realized. Meditation calms the mind and connects the body and spirit, as well as opens one’s ability to ‘see’ and ‘help’ others. When one meditates, it becomes clear the importance of connecting via the heart. Time, space, distance and reality are of no consequence.
Physical Expression
Physical expression is essential to opening the heart and enlivening the spirit. Utilizing rhythmic music from the Hawaiian Islands and beats from around the world, participants are encouraged let go of inhibitions and learn to move their bodies freely.
It’s time to pack your hiking gear, dreams, and your imagination for this 11 ½ mile trail. We welcome you to the Na Pali (cliffs) Coast Paradise Retreat! Be prepared to be inspired, challenged, and transformed on this trek. The duration of the entire journey is at least 3-5 days in which you can explore Na Pali coast and Kalalau Valley. There are 3 ways you can access Kalalau valley: First, you may hike the trail in 6-11 hours, or catch a boat in which takes up to an hour depending on conditions, or also kayak your way in that will take up to 2-4 hours. The Sierra Club rated the hike on a 9-10 scale of difficulty so we advise this retreat for the advanced adventurers, for this journey will test one’s capabilities. Also, a permit will be required for camping.
For the beginning of the trail, also known as the Kalalau Trail, you will be trekking on terrain that will range from lush tropical jungle to breathtaking cliffs and coastal views that will take you beyond words. The first 6-7 miles will venture through rock slabs, slippery mud (if raining), and ground laden roots, steep ascents and descents, also, boulder filled rivers. After reaching the halfway point there are two different valley locations where you can stop and set up camp if you wish; Hoolulu and Hanakoa.
In the last 4+miles to Kalalau Beach, you will experience ‘crawlers’ which is a precarious cliff walk, several waterfalls, and more extensive ocean views. Upon arrival at destination, there are many campsites and secluded spots available to set up camp and settle into your surroundings. After which will be a follow up meeting with our on-site workshop healer(s) and chef. Orientation and layout of the valley and your exploration plan will be discussed.
Kalalau is known as the Valley of Wanderers and is considered by the Hawaiians to be the center of the Galactic Universe. By Lemurian beliefs, it is the motherland ‘mu’ of humanity and is the journey of the soul. This journey is designed for those looking to escape the world of technology, get in touch with nature, and also the true reality of inner peace and truth.
